Pocket Project: Collective Trauma Work


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Selected tracks from the 5-days Pocket Project workshop with Thomas Hübl, which took place in Israel in June 2017.


  1. Stillness or Dissociation 6:43
  2. Pain is Being Witnessed 5:13
  3. Inner Representation of Listening 6:03
  4. High Inner Landscape Awareness 6:20
  5. Released Energy Liberates Evolution 7:12
  6. Integrate Personal History (Healing Session) 4:51
  7. Early Parts Are Overshadowing the Collective 4:15
  8. The Will and the Heart (Healing Session) 6:28
  9. The Digesting Phase with Co-Creational Power 13:20

Duration: 61 min

Published: September 2018

MP3s in English