Causal life


SKU: M0038 Categories: ,


Recordings from the New Year’s Eve Retreat in Israel 2014/15

  1. Look with a Naked Heart (6:41)
  2. Sense of Belonging (5:09)
  3. Insights lands in the Cellular Memory (4:35)
  4. Growing Inner Space (6:57)
  5. System under Pressure to Develop (5:15)
  6. The Truth of the Evolutionary Being (7:06)
  7. Keep Walking (3:10)
  8. Combining Conscious Awareness with Expertise (7:45)
  9. Holistic and Wide Space (10:14)
  10. Transition from the Old into the New (4:36)

Dauer: 61 min

Published: January 2015

MP3s in English